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Sutton Valence Primary School

Sutton Valence Primary School: British Values


The children have all worked hard to create our ideal of what a Sutton Valence Citizen would look like - see photographs below!




How British Values are incorporated into our curriculum:


1. Democracy

  • School Council (voting for leaders)
  • Pupil votes
  • Pupil voice
  • Voting for House Captains

2. The Rule of Law

  • Visit by Magistrates/Police and Fire Service
  • School Rules
  • Classroom Rules (set by children)
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Golden times
  • Parent Rules
  • Headteacher Awards
  • Deputy Headteacher Awards

3. Individual Liberty

  • Opportunities to lead and support
  • Planning of their own curriculum
  • Child Initiated Play in Early Years
  • Learning Diaries in Early Years
  • Behaviour choices
  • After school clubs
  • ICT lessons – E-safety


4. Mutual Respect

  • Encouraging mutual respect
  • Supporting peers
  • Staff modelling behaviour

5. Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

  • RE lessons
  • PSHE lessons
  • Circle time
  • Displays
  • Assemblies
  • Governor diversity visits
  • Stories from a variety of faiths





Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School

Sutton Valence Primary School: British Values


The children have all worked hard to create our ideal of what a Sutton Valence Citizen would look like - see photographs below!




How British Values are incorporated into our curriculum:


1. Democracy

  • School Council (voting for leaders)
  • Pupil votes
  • Pupil voice
  • Voting for House Captains

2. The Rule of Law

  • Visit by Magistrates/Police and Fire Service
  • School Rules
  • Classroom Rules (set by children)
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Golden times
  • Parent Rules
  • Headteacher Awards
  • Deputy Headteacher Awards

3. Individual Liberty

  • Opportunities to lead and support
  • Planning of their own curriculum
  • Child Initiated Play in Early Years
  • Learning Diaries in Early Years
  • Behaviour choices
  • After school clubs
  • ICT lessons – E-safety


4. Mutual Respect

  • Encouraging mutual respect
  • Supporting peers
  • Staff modelling behaviour

5. Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

  • RE lessons
  • PSHE lessons
  • Circle time
  • Displays
  • Assemblies
  • Governor diversity visits
  • Stories from a variety of faiths