Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School

Pupil Premium Information


Pupil Premium (PP) funding is an allocation of additional funding to schools to support raising the attainment of the most vulnerable pupils and closing the attainment gap between them and non-PP pupils . These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, those who are looked after by the local authority and the children of armed service personnel.

All schools have been allocated money since 2011 and are required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being used and the impact the funding has had on the achievement of pupils. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit.

At Sutton Valence we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind in any aspect of their development whether academic, social or physical.  We believe in a holistic approach that develops the whole child.  We strongly believe that social background and the locality of where children live should not be an excuse or reason not to achieve or succeed.  We work together as a school community to ensure that our pupils are given every chance to realise their full potential and encourage life-long learning.  All children are encouraged to have a thirst for knowledge, be inquisitive and to foster curiosity of the wider world.

We recognise that not all children who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and we also recognise that not all children who are disadvantaged have free school meals.  We follow the government's guidelines to allocate Pupil Premium support to those children who receive, or have received, free school meals, or who are in care.


Please inform the school office if you think your child may be eligible it is a simple process to do and will ensure your child is further supported in school.  

Key Stage 1 parents please note that even though your child automatically receives Universal Free School Meals you may still be entitled to Pupil Premium funding.

For further information please go to: 



Please click the link to read our Pupil Premium Strategy 2024.

Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School

Pupil Premium Information


Pupil Premium (PP) funding is an allocation of additional funding to schools to support raising the attainment of the most vulnerable pupils and closing the attainment gap between them and non-PP pupils . These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, those who are looked after by the local authority and the children of armed service personnel.

All schools have been allocated money since 2011 and are required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being used and the impact the funding has had on the achievement of pupils. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit.

At Sutton Valence we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind in any aspect of their development whether academic, social or physical.  We believe in a holistic approach that develops the whole child.  We strongly believe that social background and the locality of where children live should not be an excuse or reason not to achieve or succeed.  We work together as a school community to ensure that our pupils are given every chance to realise their full potential and encourage life-long learning.  All children are encouraged to have a thirst for knowledge, be inquisitive and to foster curiosity of the wider world.

We recognise that not all children who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and we also recognise that not all children who are disadvantaged have free school meals.  We follow the government's guidelines to allocate Pupil Premium support to those children who receive, or have received, free school meals, or who are in care.


Please inform the school office if you think your child may be eligible it is a simple process to do and will ensure your child is further supported in school.  

Key Stage 1 parents please note that even though your child automatically receives Universal Free School Meals you may still be entitled to Pupil Premium funding.

For further information please go to: 



Please click the link to read our Pupil Premium Strategy 2024.

Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School

Pupil Premium Information


Pupil Premium (PP) funding is an allocation of additional funding to schools to support raising the attainment of the most vulnerable pupils and closing the attainment gap between them and non-PP pupils . These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, those who are looked after by the local authority and the children of armed service personnel.

All schools have been allocated money since 2011 and are required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being used and the impact the funding has had on the achievement of pupils. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit.

At Sutton Valence we have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind in any aspect of their development whether academic, social or physical.  We believe in a holistic approach that develops the whole child.  We strongly believe that social background and the locality of where children live should not be an excuse or reason not to achieve or succeed.  We work together as a school community to ensure that our pupils are given every chance to realise their full potential and encourage life-long learning.  All children are encouraged to have a thirst for knowledge, be inquisitive and to foster curiosity of the wider world.

We recognise that not all children who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and we also recognise that not all children who are disadvantaged have free school meals.  We follow the government's guidelines to allocate Pupil Premium support to those children who receive, or have received, free school meals, or who are in care.


Please inform the school office if you think your child may be eligible it is a simple process to do and will ensure your child is further supported in school.  

Key Stage 1 parents please note that even though your child automatically receives Universal Free School Meals you may still be entitled to Pupil Premium funding.

For further information please go to: 



Please click the link to read our Pupil Premium Strategy 2024.